Susan Furry

Susan Furry is a Christian writer and English/Spanish translator.  She is currently working to educate Christians about Judaism.

She is a Quaker, having been a member of New England Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends for over 35 years.  She is currently a member of Smithfield Monthly Meeting (a programmed pastoral meeting in Rhode Island) and a sojourning member of Northampton Friends Meeting (an unprogrammed meeting in Western Massachusetts).

She has an MAT degree from Harvard University in teaching religion, for which she studied at Harvard Divinity School and Harvard Graduate School of Education.

She has been studying Spanish for about 40 years, mostly informally through reading and conversation.  In collaboration with Benigno Sánchez-Eppler she has published a number of translations of Quaker writings, and more are in process.

Her current writing project includes a number of magazine articles and a book, First Be Reconciled: What Christians Need to Know about Judaism

Susan blogs at 
Most of the translations are posted at